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I’ve been in the diamond industry since I was 19 years old (Jeez) For the first 7-8 years working with diamonds, I was focusing on the wholesale side of things, but only several years in this industry I have totally transformed what I do, through Instagram I now deal directly with the end user, whilst of course still maintaining our supplier connections and price tags!

Dealing with the end user can be more challenging and time consuming. However, being a people’s person, it really is my calling in life. I’m constantly in touch with so many people, in so many unique and interesting industry’s cross the globe. It’s actually incredible! I’ve met so many wonderful people over the last year. Customers that end up turning into good friends.

Photo of Dovi holding large diamond in the office

I’m far from perfect (I will never pretend to be). There is so much going on behind the scenes on a daily basis that I don’t share or post. I’m still fine tuning my business and learning new things every single day. But one thing I can tell you is that what you see is what you get. I will always be 100% honest and transparent and true to myself. I will never ever pretend to be something or someone that I’m not. And most importantly I’ll never pretend I know it all. I will continue learn and grow every single day.

If Instagram has taught me anything it’s that if you have nice photos and videos you will surely get some great likes and followers. However, if you want people to actually contact you and spend their hard-earned money it’s a whole different ball game.

I’m honoured and humbled by all your continued support and I assure you there is so much more to come from me. What I do now is something I love and cherish. Not a single day goes by that I don’t count my blessings!

My Passion

2 stone diamond ring from a client testimonial

My job would be so much easier if I sold diamonds to the general public blindly, without education.


However, I like to go to sleep at night knowing all my customers from all over the globe have been taken care of to the best of my ability!

This is why I am confident enough and have a passion to educate all of you guys.

If you’re about to spend some of your hard-earned money on a diamond. It’s absolutely VITAL that you know EXACTLY where your money is being spent. I’ll do my best to simplify it all and educate you enough so that you can make every single decision along the process. I’ll only be there to guide you along the way. Most importantly I’ll try my best to make the whole experience most relaxing and memorable!

One of my missions of my social media accounts is to try break that negative stereotype attached to the diamond and jewellery industry. I try to provide an authentic platform to show you all the different aspects of the industry that you might not usually see!

I want people to know that you actually CAN have a great and memorable experience when buying an engagement ring or any piece of jewellery for that matter, without the worry of being taken advantage of financially.

I’m eternally grateful to everyone that has placed their trust in me until now, and to everyone that is waiting on me to get back to them with their dream piece of jewellery. Hang in there! I will do my best to make those dreams come true very soon!

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